
Hillside participates in several ongoing Outreach Ministries throughout the year. Click on their links if you’d like more information about the organizations that we are involved with!

Hillside Food Bank Project! The 1st Sunday of each month at Hillside Community Church- The next collection day for the Plateau Outreach Ministry Food Bank is Sunday, August 4th. This month we are collecting packaged side dishes. This would be things like Rice-A-Roni, rice mixes, noodle or potato dishes, Stove Top Stuffing, etc. Please place all donations in the designated basket in the foyer.

Operation Christmas Child-
Every month we give a list of suggested items that can be purchased for the Operation Christmas Child ministry that takes place in November. This months suggestions:  Sunglasses, flip flops, summer clothes on clearance. Tools-small hammers, nails, screwdrivers, screws, small levels, etc. Please place all donations in the designated box in the foyer.

Plateau Outreach Ministries
Plateau Outreach Ministries is a non-profit organization that was formed over a decade ago to assist neighbors in crisis. Hillside, along with other Churches of the Plateau Ministerial Association, have joined with members of Enumclaw plateau communities to help those in crisis, translating Christ’s call to “Love Thy Neighbor,” into action. POM focuses on basic needs: food, clothing, housing, emergency financial assistance, and case management, including counseling referrals for issues causing crises.

Pies for the Tacoma Rescue Mission
Every year a growing group of volunteers gathers together to make and bake pies for the Tacoma Rescue Mission’s Thanksgiving dinner. It’s not only a rewarding ministry but a fun time of service and fellowship!

Deacon’s Fund
The Deacons Fund was set up to help those in the congregation that are struggling financially. We highlight Deacon’s Fund Sunday when we have Communion, but you can donate to this ministry at any time.

Angel Tree Ministry
Prison Fellowship believes that no life is beyond the reach of God’s power, and they envision a future in which countless prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families, are redeemed, restored, and reconciled through the love and truth of Jesus Christ. Each year at Christmas time, Hillside participates in the Angel Tree ministry that delivers gifts to the children of incarcerated parents. It’s our opportunity to share the love of Christ with children in need.