Sometimes churches recruit to fill needs and programming, but here at Hillside we would really like you to serve in your area of passion. If you’re not sure what that is, jump in and try a variety of things…you’re not trapped forever! We would rather you move from area to area to try different things and find out what your passion is about. And if you know what you’re passionate about, and we are not doing it, then let’s start doing it!
Obviously, when we talk about our passions & our abilities, the things we are good at and like to do, are a part of that, but also the exercising of your spiritual gifts. So the question is not, what we can get you to do, the question is, how can we help you to hear God’s call, and create an environment for you to invest your life in things that will last forever?
If you would like to volunteer for the nursery or any of the children’s church ministries, please contact the church office. Shine, our children’s church program is offered for children ages 2-12. The younger children will go directly to their classrooms before the start of the worship service as well as the nursery-aged children. The older children (6-12) will be released to their classrooms after music, prayer, and announcements during the service.
Nursery/Preschool- Nursery service is provided for children ages 0 to 5 on an on-call basis. See any usher for assistance.
Shine!-is for children who are in Kindergarten through 5th grade. They will attend the worship service with their parents and will be released to their classroom after music, prayer & announcements.
Multi-Media-Our music ministry is coordinated by Sandy Barry and our multi-media operations are coordinated by Louis Chames. If you are interested in being a part of the music team contact James or if you have an interest in being trained in PowerPoint or sound, see Louis
Usher/Greeter/Doorkeeper –The greeting team are the first faces you see when you come in. They hand out bulletins, answer questions, count attendance, and make you feel welcome. The doorkeeper team is responsible for seeing that all of the lights are turned off, the heat is turned down and doors are locked following the service.
The coffee and cookie team would love to have you join them in the kitchen. They bake treats, and serve the coffee and cookies after church. Even if you would just like to provide the treats, there is a need for you!
Other Areas of Service:
The Building Maintenance & Ground-Keeping Team take care of building projects, church maintenance and ground keeping. They faithfully care for the building God has entrusted to us. Contact: Jeff Parrott
The Social Committee helps to plan, cook and serve at all of our church meals. They do a great job of creating fun opportunities for fellowship with our church family! Contact: Rod & Linda Wittmier
Funeral/Memorial Team-Helps to facilitate funerals and memorials for members of Hillside and members of the community. Contact: Kristi Terrell